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What is BITSS?

The Boston International Turner Syndrome Summit (BITSS) is a non-profit organization that was founded by members of the TS community to create a fulfilling, safe, and fun summer experience for young people with Turner syndrome between the ages of 12 and 19. Our goal is to help our attendees forge new memories, friendships, and skills with other young people with TS from around the globe. BITSS is run by an all volunteer Board of Directors, each of whom has some connection to Turner syndrome.

BITSS is dedicated to making our summit an enriching place for our attendees, as well as taking measures to keep parents informed while their children are away.



When is BITSS 2024?

July 28, 2024 - August 4, 2024



When does the Summit registration begin?

We're sorry, registration for BITSS 2024 is now closed. 




What is the registration fee for BITSS 2024?

The full tuition for BITSS 2024 is $1500. All registration forms that are paid in full before February 1, 2024 are entitled to an early bird discount of $100, bringing tuition to $1400. Your child’s spot at BITSS is not guaranteed until we receive payment in full.



What is included in the registration fee?

The registration fee includes accommodation at a Boston area college for the week, all meals during the week, entrance fees/tickets for all activities, and the care of our dedicated on-site nurses and staff. The only expenses not included are souvenirs or optional personal shopping.



What is the refund policy?

Families who wish to withdraw registration and notify BITSS in writing on or before March 1 may receive a full refund of the tuition amount paid. Families who wish to withdraw registration and notify BITSS in writing between March 2nd and April 1st may receive a refund of amounts paid, up to 50% of the full tuition amount of $1,500.Families who wish to withdraw registration and notify BITSS in writing between April 2nd and May 1st may receive a refund of amounts paid, up to 25% of the full tuition amount of $1,500. Refunds will not be provided after May 1st.



Do you offer scholarships?

A limited number of full and partial scholarships are available to aid Participants who are not able to pay the tuition in full due to financial circumstances. Scholarship applications must be submitted as soon as possible following the Participant’s submission of a Registration Form. Scholarships will be awarded based on financial need, availability of funds, and at the complete discretion of the BITSS Board of Directors. BITSS will communicate scholarship award decisions on May 15th, after consideration of all scholarship applications properly completed and submitted on or before May 1. If funds remain for additional scholarships after the initial awards, the BITSS Board of Directors will make and communicate additional scholarship awards by June 30th. Scholarship funds will be available for tuition assistance only. Participants and their families will be responsible for any travel related expenses. Scholarship applicants are not required to pay tuition until notified by the Board regarding their scholarship request. You can fill out our scholarship application here



How many participants are there at BITSS?

A maximum of thirty participants will be attending BITSS this year. The ratio of staff to participants is 1:3. 



Where do the participants stay?

All participants and staff stay at an Emerson College dormitory.

Emerson College

150 Boylston Street

Boston, MA 02116



What are the sleeping arrangements?

Each suite has three or four rooms with two twin beds in each room as well as a small common area and bathroom. 


What is a typical day like?

Each day provides a wide array of activities both on campus and throughout Boston.  It is non-stop fun! We strive to attain a mix of visual arts, performing arts, physical activity, wellness education, sightseeing, and recreational activities. We encourage our participants to step outside of their comfort zones and to try something new! Some annual highlights include a paint nite, karaoke, a dance party, a day at the beach, a medical panel with TS specialists, and Summit Speaks (small group discussions where participants and mentors can discuss a wide variety of topics--both TS related and not!)



What do you do on a rainy day?

Our schedule allows for modification in inclement weather. We always have a Plan B!



Who serves on staff?

There will be a devoted team staying with the participants at all times.

Two board members stay in the dormitory and oversee all of the activities on and off campus for the week.

Two nurses are on site full time for medication administration and anything else needed.

Six mentors are trained to care for and guide the campers.

A seasoned social worker will be on site full time to ensure that all the participants' needs are being met.



What is the staff participant ratio?

Each Mentor will be assigned to a group of five or six campers. Five other staff members are also on hand to help the group as a whole. We strive to maintain a 1:3 ratio.



What kind of food do you serve?

Most meals will be eaten in the large Emerson cafeteria that has many options including vegetarian, vegan, and gluten free.  On some occasions we will eat at other establishments in Boston. We remain mindful of food allergies and restrictions when planning off-site meals.



What if my child has dietary restrictions?

All dietary restrictions noted on registration forms are taken into account and incorporated into our programming. Emerson chefs are well-trained in food allergy awareness and offer a number of options for those campers with food allergies and celiac disease.



When should participants arrive and depart BITSS?

Participants can arrive at BITSS starting 12:30pm on Sunday July 28th (Participants should eat lunch before arriving). Orientation begins at 3:30pm.  Departure is between 9am and 11am. on Sunday August 4th.  



Can my child leave a day early or arrive a day late?

We will do our best to accommodate your family’s needs if there is a family event or vacation that overlaps with our program. Please reach out to discuss any such need by emailing



My child will be flying/taking the train/riding the bus to Boston alone. Can BITSS pick them up and drop them off?

If a participant is traveling by air or train, we will make travel arrangements to get them to and from the airport or train station.


BITSS is happy to assist families if their child is traveling to Boston unaccompanied by an adult. BITSS will meet arriving participants at Logan airport or South Station bus and train terminal and transport them to BITSS. Similarly, at the end of the week, BITSS will transport unaccompanied participants to Logan or South Station.


If your family would like such support with transport, the participant’s scheduled arrival time in Boston must be between the hours of 9am and 2pm on Sunday, July 28th, and the scheduled departure time from Boston must be between the hours of 9am and 2pm on Sunday, August 4th. If your travel arrangements necessitate pickups or drop offs outside of those windows, you must contact us at to discuss arrangements before finalizing your travel plans.


If you believe that such assistance may be helpful / necessary, please let us know your travel arrangements as soon as possible. 



What happens if my child gets homesick?

Our staff are trained to watch for homesickness, anxiety, or other indicators of stress. We will be in touch with families as needed. The participants typically feel at home by the end of the first night, having had a great day with their new friends. 



How are medical issues handled?

There are two nurses on site all week (including group outings) and our Medical Advisor is available by phone or in person 24/7 to consult as necessary. 



How do daily medications work?

BITSS staff includes a registered nurse practitioner (who also serves on the BITSS Board of Directors) and a second nurse. Both of our onsite nurses  also have Turner syndrome! All medication (prescription and OTC) remains with the nursing staff throughout the week. Our nursing staff administer any meds to the participants, including growth hormone shots (we will have refrigerators for any med that requires refrigeration). We usually have a few participants each year who, with parental consent, feel encouraged and supported enough to administer growth hormone shots on their own for the first time (supervised by our nurse practitioner) – it’s an impressive milestone!



What should we pack?

BITSS will provide a packing list to all families well in advance of the program. We typically do not ask for any items not ordinarily found at home or readily available at nearby stores, unless our programming calls for something extraordinary (for example, one year we attended a ropes course that required some protective but inexpensive gloves). Do not bring valuable items to camp. BITSS is not responsible for articles that may be lost, taken, broken, or damaged.



Will participants need pocket money?

Participants should bring spending money if they want to purchase souvenirs. Most participants do bring spending money, not to exceed $100. Please be sure that your camper has a secure place to store any money (such as a wallet or small purse). No lending or borrowing of money among campers is permitted.



Do you have laundry facilities?

There are laundry machines in the dorm if needed, and  Staff can assist campers with laundry needs (but please pack enough clothing to last for the entire week.) Laundry services are not a standard part of our program. 



What happens if my child leaves items at BITSS?

BITSS will make every reasonable effort to return lost items to families, at the family’s expense. Please label everything! 



What is the camp’s telephone policy?

BITSS’s first priority is participant safety. For this reason, we encourage BITSS participants who have mobile phones to bring their phones along in case of emergency. Use of phones for other purposes will be limited. BITSS is focused on building community, engagement and togetherness. Smartphones should not be a distraction or escape. With these priorities in mind, the following policy applies to all BITSS participants.

The Boston International Turner Syndrome Summit is a week of independent living for the participants in a safe setting. We ask, for a week, that parents and guardians, on the one hand, and participants, on the other hand, disconnect from calls and texts with each other. BITSS staff will communicate during the course of the Summit to give families some insight into the activities and experience of the group. If parents or guardians wish to check in, they may reach out to the BITSS Director at The Director will respond as soon as reasonably possible. In the event of an emergency, our Directors are available by phone. Contact information will be provided to all registered families before opening day.

Participants are asked to engage actively with one another and BITSS Mentors and staff. Therefore, unapproved use of smartphones for phone calls or access to apps, social media, videos, internet or texting is off limits.

For safety reasons, participants who have brought a mobile phone will carry their phones when we leave the campus. There is no need to purchase a mobile phone or plan for BITSS. Participants will be grouped so that there is always at least one phone available within each group for purposes of emergencies. We will ensure that participants have programmed into their phones the numbers for the Directors and Mentors. In addition, participants will have emergency contact numbers in the lanyard that they will be asked to wear around their necks at all times (we will provide these). The “pull” of the mobile phone is strong. When the participants are in the dorms, phones will be collected and stored securely by Mentors, and returned for outings.

BITSS may confiscate, for later return, the phones of participants who use their phones in a manner that does not comply with the Mobile Phone Policy. We do not want to embarrass any of our participants by removing their phones, and we will do our best to handle this unpleasant task in a respectful and kind manner.

Families, if you call, text, facetime, message or otherwise communicate with your child during BITSS week, you may jeopardize your child’s continued access to their phone. Please help us help your child to retain our trust in them, and to grow their independence and inner strengths by disengaging for the week. Your BITSS staff will be happy to provide you with updates on your child if you want to check in or if you have questions during the week. 

If you have any concerns or needs that are specific to your situation, please get in touch with us well in advance.


Can parents call, text, or email their children at camp?

Please see above regarding our mobile phone policy. If there are specific concerns, we are always happy to speak with you about them. Please reach out for a discussion by emailing us at



Is there an information session?

BITSS will hold a virtual information session for interested families during January, 2024. The specific dates will be announced via newsletter, social media, and on this website. 



Who can I contact if I have additional questions?

Please email us at and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

Boston International Turner Syndrome Summit
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